Randy Nyce, CAP®

Randy Nyce, CAP®, is the Managing Director for the Souderton, Pennsylvania office. He serves families, businesses, nonprofits and congregations in the eastern Pennsylvania region with stewardship and charitable gift planning.

Randy draws from his experience as an educator, non-profit director, and church lay leader. Prior to joining the Everence team in 2007, Randy served at the Historic Mennonite Meetinghouse in Germantown, Philadelphia Mennonite High School, Eastern Mennonite High School (Harrisonburg, Virginia), and with the Hopi Mennonite Church Council and Hopi Mission School in northern Arizona.

Randy is active in the community and volunteers as board chair of Healthy Niños Honduras, a nonprofit focused on child survival and maternal wellness in Honduras. He also serves in his home congregation as worship leader, youth sponsor, and board member. Randy previously served on the boards of Delaware Valley MEDA, MAMA Project, Kairos School for Spiritual Formation, Mosaic Mennonite Conference, and Souderton Connects. Randy is husband to Juanita and father to Garrett. They live in Souderton, PA.

Randy is a graduate of Eastern Mennonite University and has a certificate in Urban Studies from The School for Urban Mission, Washington, DC. He holds The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®) designation from The American College.


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