Rate current as of 1-Mar-25.
1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Base rate, paid monthly, requires minimum average daily balance of $5,000 in the Relationship Savings account and additional relationship rate, paid monthly, applies if all additional requirements are met the previous month. APYs are calculated solely on the Relationship Savings account balance. Minimum balance fees not applicable to Relationship Savings account. Other fees may apply and may reduce earnings. APYs subject to change without prior notice. Contact us for current rates and more details.
2To qualify for the Relationship Savings account rate each month, you must have a personal checking account, debit card, and a minimum of $10,000—with a minimum of $5,000 in the Relationship Savings account—between all deposit accounts as of 12 a.m. on the first of that month. Offer limited to one account per personal tax ID. Must qualify for membership and for a checking account. Minors must have a parent/guardian joint owner for checking and debit card.