Savings rates

Everence Federal Credit Union offers competitive rates for all types of accounts.
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Current savings rates

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Everence Federal Credit Union

2160 Lincoln Highway E., Suite 20
Lancaster, PA 17602

Toll-Free: 800-451-5719
Phone: 717-735-8330
Fax: 717-735-8331
Text: 717-735-8332


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Rates current as of 1-Mar-25.

1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividend rates vary according to account balance. Rates are subject to change without notice. If you close your account before dividends are credited, you will not receive the accrued dividends. Compounding quarterly unless otherwise stated with the product.

2Dividend rates vary according to account balance. Limited to an individual account - one per tax ID.

3Base rate, paid monthly, requires minimum average daily balance of $5,000 in the Relationship Savings account and additional relationship rate, paid monthly, applies if all additional requirements are met the previous month. APYs are calculated solely on the Relationship Savings account balance. Minimum balance fees not applicable to Relationship Savings account. Other fees may apply and may reduce earnings. APYs subject to change without prior notice. Contact us for current rates and more details. To qualify for the Relationship Savings account rate each month, you must have a personal checking account, debit card, and a minimum of $10,000—with a minimum of $5,000 in the Relationship Savings account—between all deposit accounts as of 12 a.m. on the first of that month. Offer limited to one account per personal tax ID. Must qualify for membership and for a checking account. Minors must have a parent/guardian joint owner for checking and debit card.

4APYs are variable based on the Fed Funds Target Rate. A $25 minimum deposit is required to open an account; a $10 fee applies each month the balance falls below $2,500. APY paid on portion of the average daily balance within each tier and is based on the assumption that dividends remain on deposit within the account during the dividend period. Compounding monthly. Offer limited to one account per personal tax ID.

5$25.00 minimum to open; $1,000 minimum average daily balance each month to earn base rate. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. To qualify for the additional Relationship Checking account rate, you must activate and maintain online banking and eStatements with at least one online banking log in per month, make at least ten monthly credit and/or debit card transactions (excluding ATM transactions), and have a monthly minimum of one direct deposit or one ACH credit. Direct deposits and ACH credits must be a total of $1,000 or more within each month. Offer limited to one account per personal tax ID. Must qualify for membership and checking account and debit card. Minors are not eligible for a credit card and must have a parent/guardian joint owner for checking and debit card.

6APY for certificates with traditional terms applies throughout maturity, at which time certificates auto-renew at the then-current rate for the same term.

7You must maintain the minimum average daily balance in your account to obtain the disclosed APY. The APY is paid on the average daily balance and is based on the assumption that dividends remain on deposit within the account during the dividend period. The APY is paid on the entire average daily balance and determined by which tier the average daily balance falls within at the dividend period end. Withdrawals will reduce earnings. A $25 minimum deposit is required to open an account. A $10 fee is incurred when the balance falls below $10,000 a month. Compounding occurs monthly. Offer limited to one account per business tax ID. Rates are established by the Board of Directors at the end of each month and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.