Everence moves into new offices

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New facility to improve coodination of services

After months of work and preparation, we recently moved into our new facility at 3179 N. Main St. in North Newton – just north of the Mennonite Central Committee offices. Staff from our former Everence office in North Newton – as well as Hesston – are working in the new building.

The new offices will allow our financial advisors and other staff members to work from a single location, improving coordination of services. A satellite office will remain in Hesston on the campus of Schowalter Villa, as will the office in Hutchinson.

“Our new office building is a sign of our commitment to Everence members in this community,” said Andrea Unzicker, Everence Managing Director for central Kansas. “We look forward to serving clients here for many years to come.”

The facility was built, and is owned, by Vogts Construction and will also house several other businesses.

Everence North Newton office interior

N Newton Bldg corner day