Bill and Edna Ressler of Dalton were chosen recently to receive a Journey Award from the Everence Financial® offices in Northeast Ohio. The award recognizes the Resslers for their generosity in sharing their resources.
Created in 2001, the Journey Award is a way for Everence to highlight what people of faith are doing as stewards of their God-given gifts.
Bill and Edna Ressler of Dalton were chosen recently to receive a Journey Award from Everence
The Resslers were the first directors of MCC Connections, the Mennonite Central Committee thrift store in Kidron. MCC Connections celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, and the Resslers are still serving the thrift store – now, as volunteers.
They ran a major Bible quiz tournament at Central Christian School – an event that drew participating teams from Indiana and Pennsylvania, as well as Ohio. Edna oversaw the school’s business office for many years.
The Resslers are also known for their leadership at Pleasant View Mennonite Church, North Lawrence, where Bill served as treasurer for many years and Edna served as the Everence Stewardship Advocate. Edna and Bill also have served with Mennonite organizations in Alabama, Mississippi and Arizona.
“Bill and Edna have been a wonderful example to others in the ways they’ve demonstrated Christian stewardship of their money, time and talents,” Breckbill said. “They are very worthy recipients of this recognition.”