From anxiety to action

Family finances |

How financial planning can help you take control of your finances

The feeling of financial progress is often invigorating.

But many of us encounter some tough emotions before we get there:

Guilt. Shame. Stress.

Numerous studies have shown a significant portion of Americans experience these negative emotions when it comes to finances.

It can be a challenge to manage finances – and do it well – in a calm, intentional manner.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Through Everence® financial planning services, we can help you identify your financial goals and create a roadmap for you as you travel through life so you can feel confident and secure for the future.

Here’s a couple reasons why working with a financial professional can help you navigate all life’s stages with confidence:

1. They’ll help you make decisions

When you work with a financial consultant, you’re gaining a decision partner, said Everence Financial Consultants Kjell Purnell and Steve Lane, AWMA®, CFP®, both based in Sarasota, Florida.

“When people feel like they’re alone, they feel stressed,” said Steve.

Financial consultants like Steve and Kjell can help alleviate fear and anxiety by providing unbiased advice and solutions for complex financial situations.

Kjell said he often sees a weight being lifted from members after their initial financial planning meeting.

“As soon as clients realize they’ve got a partner, a plan, and that we’re going to solve things, I see a shift,” Kjell said.

Steve added that financial growth has its peaks and valleys. For some clients, it takes time for them to feel like they’re on their way to financial success. But every step toward meeting a financial goal is a step away from stress and shame.

2. They’ll help you take the next step

A financial consultant can also provide help by not only offering solutions but also holding you accountable and making sure you’re progressing toward your goals.

Sometimes people know what they need to do to be financially successful, but they need some help to put it into action and take the next step, Kjell said.

“The value of financial planning isn’t a financial consultant saying what you need to be doing – although we do,” he added. “The value is in actually helping clients implement those beneficial financial choices.”

Steve, Kjell, and other Everence financial professionals have extensive experience working with a wide variety of clients. Our staff is ready to partner with you to pursue your financial goals – no matter how large or small they may be.

Get started today

For many clients, the hardest part of the process is setting up that first appointment with a financial professional, Steve said.

But as Steve and Kjell have shared, taking that first step can help alleviate stress, fear and shame surrounding finances. With the help and support of financial professionals like Steve and Kjell, you can have help making the right steps for you and your family.

Contact your local representative today and take the first step toward navigating your financial journey.


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Everence Federal Credit Union is federally insured by NCUA.

The opinions contained in this material are those of the author.