Laban Peachey served at Everence (formerly MMA) from 1983 to 1990, first as the organization's Stewardship Minister and then as the Vice President of Marketing.
Laban Peachey, former Everence® leader, passed away on April 23, 2021. He was 94 years old.
Peachey joined Everence (then known as MMA) in 1983, first serving as Stewardship Minister and, later, as Vice President of Marketing. During his tenure, Peachey’s leadership played a key role in advancing the organization’s financial stewardship principles and practices as both a theological concept and a way a life.
“Laban was instrumental in nurturing closer connections between our organization and the churches we serve,” said Ken Hochstetler, Everence President and CEO. “His leadership opened doors, helping more Anabaptists and other Christians make financial decisions that reflect their faith and values.”
Prior to his time at MMA, Peachey served as a Professor and Dean of Students at Eastern Mennonite College (now University) in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and President of Hesston (Kansas) College for 12 years, from 1968 to 1980. After his retirement from MMA in 1990, he and his wife Helen moved back to their family cattle farm in Virginia, where Peachey continued serving in various pastoral assignments; teaching at Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary; and tending to his cattle herd, fulfilling a lifelong love of nourishing and caring for creation.
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