Everence corporate office addition awarded LEED certification

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Arkos Design and DJ Construction create first gold certified building in Goshen

Everence courtyard

An Everence courtyard with low-maintenance landscaping, surrounded with windows that make use of natural light to increase energy efficiency.

GOSHEN, Ind. – Everence has been awarded LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council for the addition to its corporate offices, 1110 N. Main St., Goshen, Ind. The addition was designed by the architectural firm, Arkos Design, Niles, Mich., and was built by DJ Construction, Goshen.

LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environment Design, is a rating system for green buildings. Gold is the second-highest certification awarded by the Green Building Council.

“At the beginning stages of our building project, we decided to make LEED certification one of our goals,” said Larry Miller, Everence President and CEO. “We wanted a facility that promoted stewardship of the earth and used our resources as efficiently as possible.” the major steps taken to earn this certification (Diagram A, Diagram B).

“It has been a great honor to join forces with Everence and DJ Construction for this unique project,” commented Arvin Delacruz, a Partner at Arkos Design. “The process was truly a collaborative effort which showcases the owner’s commitment of stewardship at every turn. The result is a testament that addressing the client’s need and sensitively designed and built environments can harmoniously coexist.”

“We’re thrilled to be Everence’s building partner for Goshen’s first LEED Gold Certified building,” stated DJ Construction President Doug Wogoman. “Everence has taken a critical step in not only practicing good stewardship, but also in spreading general awareness about the importance of designing and building intelligently to minimize the impact on our environment and natural resources.”

About Arkos Design

Arkos Design is a collection of designers with expertise in architecture, interior design and landscape architecture. The firm’s partnerships include projects in senior living, healthcare, multi-family, public library, commercial, educational, churches, and custom single-family residential. Their philosophy stems from the integration of the built environment within the context of the greater community.

About DJ Construction

DJ Construction Co., Inc. is a general contractor focusing on commercial, industrial, health care and church facilities in the Michiana area. The company is a member of the National and Indiana chapters of the U.S. Green Building Council and has completed multiple projects that have attained or are planning to attain LEED certification.

Author Everence staff


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