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Make Medicare an easy step

Everence can give you a hand

Register by calling 800-986-9988 or by email.
Register by email

When and where

Event date:
Thursday, April 03, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET
Salem Mennonite Church
Fellowship Hall

3363 Zuercher Rd
Dalton, Ohio 44618

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Event type:

Event Contact

Kelly Troyer
Phone: 800-986-9988

Attend our workshop and gain confidence about moving to Medicare.

Topics will include:

  • Signing up for Medicare: how, when and where.
  • What Medicare covers (and does not cover).
  • Medicare Parts A, B, C and D in clear, understandable language

For directions and to reserve your spot, contact Kelly Troyer at 800-986-9988 or northeastohio@everence.com.


Justin Wagler, Financial Consultant

Justin Wagler
Financial Consultant

Justin Wagler is an Everence Financial Consultant who is dedicated to helping local families achieve their financial goals. Justin has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and experience in missionary work.


Everence offers credit union products that are federally insured by NCUA. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee. Some Everence products and services may not be available in your state.