Types of gifts

Open up new roads of generosity with gifts of a range of assets, and rely on us to help you coordinate, manage and administer those gifts into real and lasting impact.

Watch Betsy McRae's story about her parents gifting the family farm to a charitable trust providing a lasting legacy to a favorite charity.

 gift options

Creative opportunities

You can extend your charitable footprint by making the most of the possible tax advantages and the value of many kinds of assets. 
Adviser reviewing some documents


A gift of long-term appreciated securities, such as stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a difference. You can donate all or a portion of the assets and we can help you streamline the process. 
Red barn

Real estate

A gift of your appreciated property – such as your home, vacation property, vacant land, farmland, ranch or commercial property – may be an ideal way for you to leave a lasting legacy.  
Three woman chatting

Life insurance

Give through your life insurance policy if the policy is no longer needed, or will no longer benefit your survivors. It’s a practical and attainable way for many to make meaningful gifts.
farmer in the field

Farm commodities

Make a gift of what you grow and harvest, from farm crops like grain to animal products like dairy, honey and more. You can deduct the cost of production from your taxes and you may qualify for other tax benefits as well.
Signing paperwork

Retirement assets

Your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan, is an excellent way to make a gift to your chosen charities. Plus, you may satisfy your required minimum distributions and reduce taxable income.

Other assets that can make potential gifts 

  • Valuable collections 
  • Mineral interests 
  • Private business interests 

Get started

We’ll work with you step-by-step as we receive and turn your gift into possibility, and help make sure your charitable intentions are carried out.

A representative will help you along the way.

Other ways to get started

By mail
Everence Financial Corporate Office
1110 N. Main St., PO Box 483
Goshen, IN 46527

By phone
Phone: (800) 348-7468 or (574) 533-9511
Fax: (574) 533-5264
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET)

In person
Feel free to meet one of our financial representatives in person at an office near you. Find your local Everence office.

Working together

Putting the pieces together

The receipt of complex gifts, administration, and distribution requires attention to detail, adherence to applicable legal and tax rules and communication with tax and legal advisors, heirs and the charitable beneficiaries, among others. 

Our team can help you navigate the process, reducing the burden and challenges, to help you shape the story of generosity.
Portfolio link

Manage your generosity with our Portfolio Link

Through the Portfolio Link you can review detailed portfolio information including: portfolio summary, current holdings, transaction activity, account summary, investment details, and tax lot listings.