Church services
Your church has a stewardship partner in Everence. We offer services and resources to help your church pursue its mission and vision with a supportive stewardship ministry that encourages and inspires generosity.
Want to learn how a healthy stewardship ministry can contribute to your congregation? By participating in Everence Stewardship Partners, your church will work closely with us to build and strengthen stewardship in your faith community.
Learn about our unique MyNeighbor credit card that your staff or attenders can use to donate rewards to your church.
Everence partners with denominations and networks to offer important benefits to support their valued pastors and staff. Retirement, health and other employee benefit plans are available, including through Mennonite Retirement Trust, Friends Retirement Plan (flyer for churches) and The Brethren Church (flyer for churches).
Housing allowance benefits in church retirement plans: Mennonite Retirement Trust and other church plans.
Learn about our financial planning grant specifically for pastors.
What are the stewardship needs of your congregation? Everence financial and stewardship staff understand the unique challenges that faith communities face.