Souderton, Pa.

Our team is prepared to help when you want to integrate your faith and finances through a trustworthy, caring relationship with a consultant that has professional expertise and your goals and interests at heart. With offices in Souderton, we serve neighbors –– in-person and online –– throughout Montgomery and Buck Counties and southeast Pennsylvania.

You can turn to us to help you clarify, navigate and encourage a financial future guided by your faith and values.

Insights and inspiration


News, stories, information and events to help you make the most of your financial future

Multi-generational family walking through a field
Preparing for retirement

Medicare and Social Security Educational Event

Zion Mennonite Church
149 East Cherry Lane
Souderton, PA 18964

Gain clarity and confidence as you take steps toward your retirement

Event date:

Female hiking up a hill with her dog.

Understanding “alphabet soup” for better giving

Everence can help you make a world of difference through charitable planning.

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Cap with diploma

Local students receive Everence Financial scholarship

Saral Trout and Jonathan Morales receive Everence scholarship

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Souderton team receives award at Everence National Conference.

Growth award presented to the team in Everence Souderton

This award signifies a high-level growth and service to members.

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Crowd sits and listens at Souderton Concert in the Park appreciation event.

Fellowship highlights appreciation event

Connecting with our community

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Three people smiling, posing for a photo
Everyday Stewardship

Hatching compassion

The Moyer family embodies generosity across generations and around the world

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Everence members donate to MCC hygiene kit program

Heart and hands at work to assist volunteer effort that aids distressed communities

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Souderton team honors Arlin Lapp with Journey Award

An appreciation of his many years of stewardship and modeling it for others

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Generous growth –– Watch and see how friends of one arboretum are supporting its mission today and for tomorrow, through lasting generosity.

How Everence helps with generosity at Living Branches

Watch the video story –– and see how one program helps people live fully

Watch story
caring expertise

Offices and people

Learn more about the members of our team –– here for guidance and support

Souderton, Pennsylvania office front at night with lights at every window and lit logo | Everence Financial, faith-based financial services

Souderton, Pennsylvania

  • 17 Penn Ave
    Souderton, PA 18964-1843


Everence Financial

(215) 703-0111
Toll-free: (877) 420-9789

Appointment Hours:
Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat.-Sun. closed


Securities offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC, a registered investment adviser. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.

Investments are: • Not FDIC/NCUSIF insured • May lose value • Not financial institution guaranteed • Not a deposit • Not insured by any federal government agency.

Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by Cetera Advisor Networks, Cetera Investment Advisers, or its affiliates.