Portfolio Link
The Everence Foundation and Everence Trust Company's portfolio link allows you to check your account information online. Once you have completed the enrollment process, you can log in to your account anytime, anywhere.

Through the Portfolio Link, you can review detailed portfolio information, including:
In addition, you can specify the transaction history period, as well as export data for financial reports for presentations. Portfolio Link is quick and intuitive to use, and all information is protected by your username and password, which is used to access My Everence.
What kind of information can I get through Portfolio Link?
Portfolio Link allows you to access your account information anytime, anywhere. Using a web browser, you can view easy to understand high-level portfolio information, as well as drill down to greater levels of detail:
In addition, you can specify the transaction history period as well as export data for financial reports or presentations.
Portfolio Link is quick and intuitive to use, and all information is protected by your username and password, which is used to access My Everence.
Where can I find account documents?
Access account documents in My Everence. When you log in to My Everence, select "Library" in the top menu, then select "Documents."
How do I sign up for Portfolio Link? How long does it take?
Enrollment is simple. Complete and submit the enrollment form, being sure to include the signature of the primary account holder. It generally takes three to five business days after receipt of the form to have your Portfolio Link account activated. Questions may be directed to your Everence Trust Company or Everence Foundation account representative.
Where do I login to Portfolio Link? Can I bookmark Portfolio Link?
What if I forget my user name and/or password and lock myself out of the system?
See the instructions for “I forgot my user name” or “I forgot my password” on the My Everence login page that you used to access the Portfolio Link application.
Can I have access to all of my accounts through Portfolio Link?
In Portfolio Link, you may access multiple Everence Trust Company and Everence Foundation, accounts by selecting them from a drop-down list. When you apply for Portfolio Link, you will be asked to list all the accounts you wish to access. For institutional accounts, you may be provided with more than one login based on your relationship with each entity.
How do I choose a different account?
A list of accounts will be displayed when you enter Portfolio Link. Select Portfolio in the menu, then select Dashboard where you will see details of the first account in the list. Select Switch Link, then select the Account radio button to select a particular account.
How often is my account information updated?
Account information is updated every business day between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon. (Eastern Time).
Who do I contact if I have questions about how my account looks in Portfolio Link?
Questions regarding your account summary, transactions, or investment allocations should be directed to your Everence Trust Company or Everence Foundation account representative.
Can I export data from Portfolio Link?
Portfolio Link allows you to save report data in an Excel format. The Export link displays when information can be exported to Excel in .csv format.