Everence privacy and web policy

Last updated: March 2025

We consider it a great privilege that you have entrusted us with helping to meet your stewardship needs. One part of this trust we take very seriously is confidentiality. The following privacy policies outline how we protect your private information while ensuring you receive efficient service for the products you own. 


At Everence, your privacy is important to us. We want you to know that we do not sell or rent any private financial information that you entrust to us to any nonaffiliated third parties. We will not share your personal information with nonaffiliated companies that want to market their products or services to you, except at your request or with your consent. 

What does Everence do with your personal information?

Financial companies may choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do. If you are a Mennonite Retirement Trust participant, you are receiving this notice because Everence administers MRT.

The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:

  • Social Security number and income
  • Types of accounts, products and services
  • Account balances and payment history
  • Credit history and credit scores
  • Names, addresses, telephone numbers and similar types of contact information
  • Membership eligibility criteria
  • Family information

All financial companies need to share customers’ or members’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons that Everence chooses to share, and whether you can limit this sharing. 


Reasons we can share information Does
Can you
limit the
For our everyday purposes such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), product(s) or service(s), respond to court orders, or report to credit bureaus and provide customer service to you Yes No
For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you Yes No
For joint marketing with other, unaffiliated financial companies No No
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes (information about your transactions) Yes No
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes (information about your experiences) Yes No
For our affiliates to market to you Yes Yes
For nonaffiliates to market to you No No


To limit our sharing, call our toll-free number (800) 348-7468 or contact us by mail at 1110 N. Main St., P.O. Box 483, Goshen, IN 46527.

Please note: If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as provided in this notice. However you can contact us at anytime to limit our sharing.

How does Everence protect my personal information?

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access or use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secure files and buildings. The only employees permitted to access your information are those with a business need.

How does Everence collect my personal information?

We collect personal information when you open an account or purchase a product or service from us. We may also acquire information about you from readily available church information. In addition, we may collect personal information about you from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates or other companies.

Why can't I limit all sharing?

Federal law gives you the right to limit only sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness, sharing of information for use by affiliates to market to you, and sharing of information to nonaffiliates to market to you. State law may give you additional rights to limit sharing. Please contact us if you have any questions.

What happens when I limit sharing of an account or product I hold jointly with someone else?

Your choices will apply to everyone on that account or product unless you tell us otherwise.


Everence” as used in this notice includes the following: Everence Federal Credit Union; Everence Association, Inc., a fraternal benefit society; Everence Trust Company; Everence Capital Management, Inc.; MMA Distribution, Inc. d/b/a/ Everence Financial; Everence Securities, Inc; Everence Foundation, Inc.; and Everence Insurance Company.

Affiliate" as used in this notice includes every company that is included in the definition of "Everence" and also includes Everence Services, LLC. For purposes of Everence Federal Credit Union, affiliates also include rkGoBig, LLC.

"Non-affiliates" as used in this notice means every business or company that is not identified as an affiliate in this notice.

"Joint marketing" means a formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products and services to you. Everence is not a party to any joint marketing agreement.


If after reading this notice you have any questions, contact us at (800) 348-7468.

Revised: 12/2022


At Everence, your privacy is important to us. This internet privacy policy explains what happens when you visit our website and how we treat any information we received from your visit.

Browser support

For optimal viewing and functionality, our web pages and web-based applications are best viewed using the following web browsers and settings. You may also want to verify that your browser is up to date. To determine your browser version, click Help and About (browser name). For more browser support information, click here.

General information

No personal information, such as your name or address, is collected automatically when you visit our website.

Information collected and stored automatically

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, Everence uses software programs to monitor network traffic in order to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage.

Website management information is collected for statistical purposes. Computer software programs create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

Only the following information is automatically collected and stored when you visit our site:

  • The internet domain from which you access our website;
  • The brand and version of internet browser software you have used when accessing our website;
  • The web pages you visited;
  • The number of times you have visited our website.

Everence uses cookies to allow us to monitor your visit. You can set your browser to warn you when a cookie placement is requested and decide whether or not to accept it.

Information collected from emails and web forms

When you send us personally identifying information, for example, in an email message containing a question or comment or by filling out a form that emails us information, we use this information to fulfill or respond to your requests. We may store these requests to provide us with information for future improvements to our website. We may forward your email to third parties that provide specific products that you are requesting information about.


The Everence website contains hyperlinks to other sites created and maintained by other organizations. Everence does not regularly review materials posted on these linked sites. Everence does not endorse the owners of such linked sites or the products or materials appearing on such sites. Any decision of website visitors to view any of the linked websites is at your own risk.

Products and services

The products and services described or offered through website policy can be amended in whole or in part or terminated at any time. Users of the website should not expect the continuation of any part of the website nor of any products and services that are described or offered through the website. Some products and services may not be available in all geographic areas. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to final determination and acceptance by Everence.

Limitation of liability

In order to provide you with web services, Everence is unable to accept liability for any conduct, acts, or omissions at this website or any losses you may incur from using our site. In no event shall Everence be liable for any damages, losses, or expenses that arise in connection with the use of our website, the inability of anyone to use the site, or for any claims by third parties. Everence shall also not be liable for any damages, losses, or expenses that arise in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, or computer or system failure.


All testimonials are from real members and clients, who are not paid for their time or opinion. Testimonials reflect one person's experiences and do not represent or guarantee that anyone will experience the same or similar results.


Funds availablity

All funds deposited with Everence Federal Credit Union are generally available for withdrawal the same business day as received. Electronic deposits are available on the day we receive the deposit. If you need the funds from the deposit right away, you should ask us when the funds will be available.

Reasons for delay

We may delay the availability of your funds for the following reasons:

  • Large deposits: You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day.
  • Re-deposited checks: You re-deposit a check that has been returned unpaid.
  • Overdrafts: You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the past six months.
  • Collection doubtful: We have reason to believe that the check you deposited will not be paid.
  • Emergency: There is an emergency, such as failure of our communications or computer equipment.

Funds availability in cases of hold

In all cases where holds are imposed, $225 will be available to you on the next business day. Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit. In some cases, we may place an extended hold on funds to protect the credit union from fraud and loss.



In all cases where holds are imposed, the member will be notified in writing. The notice will be given at time of deposit or mailed by the first day after the day the deposit is made.


Your security is taken very seriously by Everence Federal Credit Union and we want you to know we will not sell information about you to any third party company or website. If you email us or provide us with your email address, we will not give this information to anyone outside of the credit union.

PIN security

Each Everence Federal Credit Union member is responsible for protecting the secrecy of his or her personal identification number. You should never give this number to unauthorized people. Everence Federal Credit Union staff do not know your PIN. If you forget the number, you will need to contact the credit union to have a new PIN issued to you.

Web tracking and right to opt-out

We use technologies such as cookies, pixel tags and other similar technologies to understand visitor interactions with our websites and to serve advertisements on our websites or on other websites.

We also use your email address to deliver advertising to you on third party platforms, such as social media sites, search results and others’ websites.

You have the right to opt-out of tracking through your website browser settings, where you can disable cookies and other tracking. Please visit your browser settings to do so. Note: The Google Chrome app on iPads and iPhones does not allow users to disable cookies. Use a different web browser if you prefer to opt-out.

Cookies for online banking

When you visit our online banking site, a temporary “cookie” will be placed on your hard drive. This nugget of data makes it easier, quicker, and more secure for you to log into and use online banking. We use a temporary cookie to verify who you are while you’re using online banking. Your privacy is not compromised by these cookies. The cookie placed on your hard drive can only be used by Everence Federal Credit Union's online banking. Cookies cannot be executed as code or deliver viruses. In order to access our secure site, you must allow the temporary cookie. This temporary cookie is removed after you exit the secure site section.


Encryption is a technical term for scrambling meaningful text and numbers at one location and transmitting them across the internet to another location. The encryption process uses complex algorithmic formulas to create a key that is used to translate the information back into useable content. There are billions of potential keys, and a different key is used for each online banking session.

All confidential information sent to and requested by the online banking site is encrypted. Everence Federal Credit Union submits the account information using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted network transmissions. The encryption we currently use is 128-bit encryption. This is extremely secure and the most compatible encryption for worldwide use.

CU*Answers commitment to information security

Data security is a top priority at CU*Answers, and permeates everything it does. Because security is such a complex issue, no single solution, or "silver bullet" can be expected to provide adequate protection. As such, it views security like an onion: It should have many layers – each providing additional levels of protection.

To independently verify security, CU*Answers contracts with independent third parties to perform periodic external and internal penetration tests. These assessments identify potential targets, probe those targets to determine their configuration and identify vulnerabilities, and finally attempt to exploit discovered vulnerabilities. CU*Answers management reviews the results of each assessment and implements necessary recommendations as suggested. 

Limitation of liability

Everence Federal Credit Union and CU*Answers make every effort to supply accurate links to other sites; however, these links may change from time to time. If you find any "non-working links," we'd appreciate an email to advise us of the problem. The contents of the other website are not endorsed by Everence Federal Credit Union or CU*Answers. Any decisions made by the user about other sites to which you hyperlink is the sole responsibility of the user.

NCUA Share Insurance

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an independent federal government agency, charters and supervises federal credit unions and insures accounts in federal and most state-chartered credit unions across the country through the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). The NCUSIF is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. To calculate your current coverage, utilize the Electronic Share Insurance Calculator provided by NCUA.